Deep State - Indictments
In a brilliant political move designed to show the Deep State they have been put on notice, President Trump hands out indictments to guests at George H.W. Bush’s funeral…and it was caught on video for all the world to see. Gitmo has been prepared. The military tribunals will soon begin. And justice will soon be served. The clock is ticking. David Zublick unseals the truth in this special report!
As Sacha Stone Quotes - The Cavalry Has Arrived..
The Clock Is Ticking
UK Judges, Police and MPs are involved in Child and Adult Trafficking.
A Network of Co Conspirators that have stifled Justice and supported property and financial theft and the murder of innocents is about to be uncovered.
2019 will bring sweeping changes, many are in motion now.
Below an Extract of a mail between UK MPs in Westminster..